Trademark Search > Dermitzakis

Dermitzakis (13 records)

This page contains all the European trademarks (EUTM) filed by Dermitzakis, a trademark correspondent at ******** in ******** . Dermitzakis has filed a total of 13 european trademarks in OHIM (the EU trademark office). It is possible that Dermitzakis has also filed other trademarks through his/her firm or company, and these are not listed in the list below. The list below is generated based on trademark correspondent identification information provided to the EU trademark office. is a free search engine of publicly available government records. does not represent correspondent listed on this page.

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Goods and Services: Coffee, teas and cocoa and substitutes therefor; Chocolate-based meal replacement bars;...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

my elements BY ISOPLUS CHOCOVites

Goods and Services: Essential oils and aromatic extracts; Toiletries; Animal grooming preparations.|Beer an...
LIVE (Circa: 2020)

my elements BY ISOPLUS

Goods and Services: Sporting articles and equipment; Toys, games, and playthings.
LIVE (Circa: 2020)

Axxon fitness

Goods and Services: Chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and beverages; Che...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Beer and brewery products; Non-alcoholic beverages; Preparations for making beverages.|...
LIVE (Circa: 2017)


Goods and Services: Cleaning and fragrancing preparations; Essential oils and aromatic extracts; Toiletries...
LIVE (Circa: 2017)


Goods and Services: Abraders; Animal grooming preparations; Cleaning and fragrancing preparations; Essentia...
LIVE (Circa: 2016)

my elements by isoplus sports

Goods and Services: Abraders; Cleaning and fragrancing preparations; Essential oils and aromatic extracts; ...
LIVE (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Abraders; Animal grooming preparations; Cleaning and fragrancing preparations; Essentia...
LIVE (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Clothing; Footwear; Headgear.|Sporting articles and equipment; Toys, games, playthings ...
LIVE (Circa: 2014)

CYBERNETICS sports nutricion

Goods and Services: Meat, fish, poultry and game; Meat extracts; Preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits...
LIVE (Circa: 2013)

milf - meat i live for

Goods and Services: Bleaching preparations and other preparations for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, sco...
LIVE (Circa: 2009)


Goods and Services: Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included i...
LIVE (Circa: 2009)