Trademark Search > Leidereiter

Leidereiter (472 records)

This page contains all the European trademarks (EUTM) filed by Leidereiter, a trademark correspondent at ******** in ******** . Leidereiter has filed a total of 472 european trademarks in OHIM (the EU trademark office). It is possible that Leidereiter has also filed other trademarks through his/her firm or company, and these are not listed in the list below. The list below is generated based on trademark correspondent identification information provided to the EU trademark office. is a free search engine of publicly available government records. does not represent correspondent listed on this page.

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Goods and Services: Alcoholic beverages (except beers and sparkling wine); Preparations for making alcoholi...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Noblesse Sauvage

Goods and Services: Alcoholic beverages (except beer); Preparations for making alcoholic beverages.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Côte du Soleil

Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry goods and grains, not included in other classe...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other cla...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Electric Purple Sky

Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other cla...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Circus Sky

Goods and Services: Alcoholic beverages (except beer); Preparations for making alcoholic beverages.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Live hortensia and parts thereof.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Live azaleas and parts thereof.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Star Style

Goods and Services: Seeds for planting; Propagation material [seeds]; Agricultural and aquacultural crops, ...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Little Hibiskiss

Goods and Services: Natural flowers; Cut flowers; Natural plants [live]; all the abovementioned goods other...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Natural flowers; Cut flowers; Natural plants [live]; Roses.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Natural flowers; Live Plants and parts thereof; Roses.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other cla...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Lucky Lips

Goods and Services: Live plants of the botanical genus Fargesis and their propagation material.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Violet Woods

Goods and Services: Alcoholic beverages (except beer); Preparations for making alcoholic beverages.
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Fonte Alegre VIVA!

Goods and Services: Olive oil; Olive oil for food; Extra virgin olive oil for food.|Olive oils for industri...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other cla...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other cla...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)

Mr. LavaLava

Goods and Services: Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, neither prepared nor processed; fres...
LIVE (Circa: 2021)


Goods and Services: Alcoholic beverages (except beer); Alcoholic preparations for making beverages.
LIVE (Circa: 2020)
