Trademark Search > FLACH BAUER & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbB

FLACH BAUER & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbB (207 records)

This page contains all the European trademarks (EUTM) filed by FLACH BAUER & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbB, a trademark correspondent at ******** in ******** . FLACH BAUER & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbB has filed a total of 207 european trademarks in OHIM (the EU trademark office). It is possible that FLACH BAUER & PARTNER Patentanwälte mbB has also filed other trademarks through his/her firm or company, and these are not listed in the list below. The list below is generated based on trademark correspondent identification information provided to the EU trademark office. is a free search engine of publicly available government records. does not represent correspondent listed on this page.

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Goods and Services: Air-permeable plastic films for use in manufacture; Polymeric membranes; Microporous sy...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)

Infusion Commander

Goods and Services: Breathable plastic film (semi-finished products) for use with textile goods.|Textiles, ...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)

Topaz Companion

Goods and Services: Protective clothing for medical purposes.|Seat covers for vehicles for locomotion by la...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: retail services wholesale services, Retail services via the Internet, Wholesale service...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Nut-based snack foods; Mixtures of fruit and nuts; Dried fruit; Dried fruit mixes; Seed...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)

vive natura

Goods and Services: Nut-based snack foods; Mixtures of fruit and nuts; Dried fruit; Dried fruit mixes; Seed...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)

vive natura

Goods and Services: Printed matter.|Conducting of training courses and seminars; Publishing services (inclu...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Promoting sale of goods and services by providing casino patrons with incentive award p...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Retailing, wholesaling, retailing via the internet, wholesaling via the internet, retai...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)

basic NATURE where outdoor begins

Goods and Services: Breathable plastic film (semi-finished products) for use with textile goods.|Textiles, ...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)

Topaz Fusion

Goods and Services: Jewels; Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Precious stones; Clocks; Time instrum...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Breathable plastic film (semi-finished products) for use with textile goods.|Fabrics, i...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Sporting and cultural activities; Sports coaching; Tuition in sports; Provision of spor...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Non-alcoholic beverages.|Alcoholic beverages (except beer).
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Breathable plastic film (semi-finished products) for use with textile goods.|Fabrics, i...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Snowplows, Spreading machines, sweepers (machines), Mechanical spraying devices; Hydrau...
LIVE (Circa: 2018)


Goods and Services: Chemical additives for galvanising baths, in particular brightening additives, includin...
LIVE (Circa: 2017)


Goods and Services: Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; App...
LIVE (Circa: 2017)


Goods and Services: Heat insulation and/or soundproofing materials for building; Heat insulation and/or sou...
LIVE (Circa: 2017)


Goods and Services: Breathable plastic film (semi-finished products) for use with textile goods.|Fabrics, I...
LIVE (Circa: 2017)
