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Goods and Services: Beakers, namely, wide-mouthed drinking cups for household use; Beer glasses; Champagne flutes...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tires; Bar code scanners; Barcode scanners; B...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Apparel for dancers, namely, tee shirts, sweatshirts, pants, leggings, shorts and jackets; Ap...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: All-purpose leather straps; All purpose sport bags; Athletic bags; Baby backpacks; Baby carry...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Attaché cases; Backpacks; Bags for climbers in the nature of all-purpose carrying bags; Busin...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Apparel for dancers, namely, tee shirts, sweatshirts, pants, leggings, shorts and jackets; At...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: All-purpose carrying bags for use by children, campers; Bags for climbers in the nature of al...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Car towing ropes; Garment bags for storage of sweaters, shoes, scarves; Hammocks; Laundry was...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Applicator wands for applying make-up; Bath brushes; Beverageware; Citrus squeezers; Cleaning...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Baby bedding, namely, bundle bags, swaddling blankets, crib bumpers, fitted crib sheets, crib...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Bath towels; Bed blankets; Bed covers; Bed linen; Bed sheets; Blankets for household pets; Br...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: All purpose sport bags; Attaché cases; Backpacks for pets; Backpacks, book bags, sports bags,...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Backpacks; Business card cases; Collars for pets bearing medical information; Credit card cas...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Laser device for projecting a visible line on a work piece to be cut by a rotary power saw; L...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: 3D decorative ornaments made from plastic; Bathroom furniture; Bird houses; Decorative window...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Athletic apparel, namely, shirts, pants, jackets, footwear, hats and caps, athletic uniforms;...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Action figure toys; Building games; Doll clothing; Dolls' feeding bottles; Dolls' houses; Dol...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Air cushions, not for medical purposes; Air mattresses for use when camping; Air pillows, not...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Bolts of metal; Buckles of common metal; Collars of metal for fastening pipes; Eye bolts; Har...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)


Goods and Services: Apparatus for cooking, namely, cooktops; Coffee machines, electric; Electric fans for persona...
LIVE (Circa: 2019)