This page contains all the U.S. trademarks filed by Peter Shoulenkov. The list below is generated based on trademark correspondent identification information provided to the United States Patent Office (USPTO). is a free search engine of publicly available government records. does not represent correspondent listed on this page.

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Goods and Services: After-shave balms, after-shave creams, after-shave emulsions, after-shave gels, after-shave l...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Cuff-links, money clips of precious metal, necktie fasteners, pocket watches, shirt studs, ti...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Address books, appointment books, art prints, bookmarks, books in the fields of art, fashion,...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Attaché cases, banknote holders, brief bags, briefcases, business card cases, canes, key case...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Men's clothing, namely boxer shorts, coats, coveralls, jackets, jeans, nightshirts, overalls,...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Beer, drinking water, energy drinks, flavored waters, fruit beverages, fruit drinks, herbal j...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Alcoholic beverages, namely vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, distilled spirits, potable spirits, ape...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)


Goods and Services: Cigar bands, cigar boxes not of precious metal, cigar cutters, cigar humidifiers, cigar tubes...
DEAD (Circa: 2006)