This page contains all the U.S. trademarks filed by CHRISTOPHER D KEIRS. The list below is generated based on trademark correspondent identification information provided to the United States Patent Office (USPTO). is a free search engine of publicly available government records. does not represent correspondent listed on this page.

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Goods and Services: disk drives, disk drive controllers, disk array controllers, Small Computer System Interface ...
DEAD (Circa: 1997)


Goods and Services: handheld computer hardware and personal computer companion hardware
DEAD (Circa: 1997)


Goods and Services: computer software, namely, programs for the setup, configuration and management of operating ...
DEAD (Circa: 1997)


Goods and Services: modems
DEAD (Circa: 1997)


Goods and Services: computer hardware and computer software for use in the development of computer programs
DEAD (Circa: 1997)


Goods and Services: providing computer hardware and software integration services
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: personal computers; microcomputers; file servers; hand-held computers with telecommunications...
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: personal computers; microcomputers; file servers; hand-held computers with telecommunications...
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: providing computer hardware and software integration services
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: file servers, interconnected file servers, disk drive arrays for file servers and disk drive ...
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: computer consultation and computer software design for others
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: computer software for diagnosing problems and for configuring individual, customized workspac...
DEAD (Circa: 1996)


Goods and Services: computer software and hardware for use with local area networks and wide area networks
DEAD (Circa: 1995)


Goods and Services: computer software utility program for accessing technical information contained in an on-line...
DEAD (Circa: 1991)


Goods and Services: leasing of computer software; namely, operating systems
DEAD (Circa: 1991)