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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a non-provisional patent application and how much does it cost?

A non-provisional patent application, also known as a utility patent application, is a comprehensive legal document that protects an inventor's intellectual property for the duration of the patent's validity. Unlike a provisional patent application, which is considered a preliminary patent and only offers protection for 12 months, a non-provisional patent provides long-term protection. The cost of filing a non-provisional patent application is more expensive than a provisional one. The filing fee is around $900, which includes search and review as well as examination fees costing approximately $220. However, the total cost can significantly increase when you factor in legal fees. Typically, non-provisional patents cost between $8,000 and $15,000 or more, including legal fees. The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the invention. For instance, a simple invention like a paper clip may cost between $5,000 and $7,000, while a highly complex invention like an MRI scanner could cost between $14,000 and $16,000. Software-related inventions, such as automated systems or business programs, can cost more than $16,000.

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