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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Trademarkia do any trademark filings and/or provide advice?

No. Trademarkia is not an attorney, law firm, legal services provider, or a legal referral services. Therefore, Trademarkia cannot file trademark applications, nor provide any consultation or advice relating to a particular user's trademark(s). Trademarkia can only convey information about the company's trademark search engine, fundamental trademark questions, or trademark procedural questions. Trademarkia and its customer representatives can only offer information to customers and website users that are available from publicly accessible information sources. All applications for the registration of a trademark in the United States are managed by licensed U.S. trademark attorneys at the firm of LegalForce RAPC Worldwide in Mountain View, California based on a successful conflict check performed to best protect your interests. LegalForce RAPC Worldwide represents over 50,000 individuals, small businesses, and multinational corporations.

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