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Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean if a business name search returns no business entity names in Oregon?

If a business name search in Oregon returns no business entity names, it signifies that the name you have chosen for your LLC (Limited Liability Company) is completely unique and can be used in Oregon. This is a crucial step in the process of forming an LLC in Oregon, as the state has strict rules related to the availability of LLC names. The Oregon Secretary of State gives the final approval for your LLC name, and it may not be approved even if your search reveals it is available. Therefore, it's important to conduct a thorough search using the Oregon Business Registry's Business Name Availability Check tool. This tool allows you to check the uniqueness of your desired LLC name by running two searches: an “Exact words in any order” search and an “Extended search” option. If your chosen name is found to be identical or confusingly similar to an existing business, the State of Oregon will reject your application. However, if your search returns no business entity names, it means your chosen name is unique and can be used for your LLC in Oregon.

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