Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of the Business Page creation service?
By creating a business page on Trademarkia, you can place a large number of potential infringers on constructive notice that your business name, logo, or slogan is already being used in commerce and is not available to them. is one of the largest law related websites on the Internet, receiving more than 2,100,000 page views per month, and approximately one new visitor every 3 seconds of the day from more than 150 countries around the world. In addition, business pages on Trademarkia are searchable on the world's largest search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
If you are currently using your business name, logo, or slogan on a product or service, by creating your business page on Trademarkia, your name, logo or slogan will be searchable on Trademarkia next to registered U.S. and foreign trademarks. That way, many more potential infringers will be on constructive and actual notice of your business's use of a particular name or logo. In many countries, mere first and original use of a name, logo, and slogan first creates legal protection for you. Trademarkia's business pagehighlights your business whenthe public when they search for business names on the Internet.
If you are planning on using your business name, logo, or slogan in the future, by creating a business page on Trademarkia, your name, logo, or slogan on your business page will be searchable on Trademarkia next to filed and registered U.S. and foreign trademarks. A business page through Trademarkia helps to establish a web identity for your brand. According to the United States Patent & Trademark Office website, "federal registration is not required to establish rights in a brand. Common law rights arise from actual use of a brand name. Generally, the first to either use a mark in commerce or file an intent to use application with the Patent and Trademark Office has the ultimate right to use and registration."A business page on Trademarkia makes your business searchable to the more than 1 million visitors to Trademarkia's website every month.
There are no government filing fees to create a business page on Trademarkia. Alternatively, by paying government fees and filing to register your trademark, you can potentially get damages against infringement in addition to stopping others. If you upgrade a business page to a trademark registration request with the government at any time for $99 plus the government fee of $275. By filing a registration request with the government, you can seek federal protection for your name, logo, or slogan.
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