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Legal Services

Legal Services from Trademarkia P.C

A trademark is one of the most important assets youll ever own. Protecting your brand may mean protecting your trade name, business name, logos, slogans, product names, and more. All applications for trademark registration through Trademarkia P.C. are managed by Trademarkia P.C.
Trademarkia P.C. represents over 100,000 clients including individuals, small businesses, and large multinational corporations. It files tens of thousands of trademark applications every year in the U.S. and international countries.
A La Carte Trademark Registration Service in the United States

Once your online application is finished, Trademarkia will get it into the right hands at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, so all you have to do is wait for their response. You will pay as you go, meaning that whenever there is an action in your trademark application, you will be given an estimate for response, and we will collect funds prior to taking your mark to the next stage next stage. Because the trademark filing process is highly variable, this modular approach allows you to budget as your business and brands develops over time.

$99+government fee
Comprehensive Trademark Registration Service in the United States

A detailed conflicting mark search will be conducted prior to filing your trademark, so that you maximize the chance of getting your trademark registered. A central project manager at Trademarkia will be assigned especially for you who will answer your questions and coordinate with you. A pre-filing search will minimize follow up expenses by selecting the comprehensive service. If there are objections to your trademark, you will be given an estimate for response from a law firm in Trademarkia Network, and we will collect funds prior to taking your mark to the next stage. This modular approach allows you to budget as your business and brands develops over time.

$798+government fee