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Goods and Services: Downhole tool used to measure formation pressure while drilling oil and gas wells
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, stimulation fluid designed to maximize infinite conductiv...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Anchors, namely, cavity pump anchor used for pumping in the oil and gas industry
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, preflush used to reduce, dissolve and remove incompatible...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, permanent or temporary binder used in oil and gas operati...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, thermally stable rheology expander used in muds in the oi...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, binding mixture resistant to potential gas migration thro...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, mixture for low heat hydration used in the oil and gas in...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals used in industry, namely, low density slurries used in oil and gas operations
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Chemicals for use during fracturing stimulation operations in the oil and gas industry
DEAD (Circa: 2015)


Goods and Services: Power-operated drilling tool, namely, a tubing conveyed perforating downhole tool used for pr...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Condensate-dispersible water-soluble chemicals containing a combination of surfactants and ot...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Optical sensors that provide the operator real-time production and reservoir readings such as...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Wireline tool that provides cement evaluation, casing wear, and high-resolution corrosion ima...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Data-interpretation service which provides the operator with downhole completion analysis dur...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Tool, powered by the wireline via surface systems, detects and quantifies defects in or near ...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Power tools, namely, downhole tools that provide data for interpreting the quality and vertic...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Geophone array survey tool which provides a profile of the background noise levels of the bor...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Premium nitrile elastomer and adhesive combination for downhole drilling motors for use in th...
DEAD (Circa: 2014)


Goods and Services: Density logging-while-drilling measurements sensor
DEAD (Circa: 2014)