This page contains all the U.S. trademarks filed by VANESSA A. IGNACIO. The list below is generated based on trademark correspondent identification information provided to the United States Patent Office (USPTO). is a free search engine of publicly available government records. does not represent correspondent listed on this page.

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Goods and Services: Sun-tanning preparations; Sun block preparations; Sun screen preparations
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Sun-tanning preparations; Sun block preparations; Sun screen preparations
LIVE (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: orthotic ankle supports; orthopedic supports
LIVE (Circa: 2016)

CF 520

Goods and Services: orthotic ankle supports; orthopedic supports
LIVE (Circa: 2016)

CF 550

Goods and Services: orthotic ankle supports; orthopedic supports
LIVE (Circa: 2016)

CF 510

Goods and Services: orthotic ankle supports; orthopedic supports
LIVE (Circa: 2016)

CF 530

Goods and Services: orthotic ankle supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 540

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 610

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 620

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 630

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 640

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 650

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 660

Goods and Services: orthotic knee supports; orthopedic supports
DEAD (Circa: 2016)

CF 670

Goods and Services: Veterinary preparations, namely, endectocides
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Cups; Toothbrush head covers; Toothbrush holders; Toothbrushes; Toothbrushes, electric; Elect...
LIVE (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Toy figurines of other materials, namely, toy figurines of metal
LIVE (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Toy figurines of other materials, namely, toy figurines of metal
LIVE (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Training services in the field of medicine, lifestyle and health care in the context of treat...
LIVE (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer
DEAD (Circa: 2016)