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Goods and Services: Acoustic couplers; Battery chargers; Battery packs; Chargers for electric batteries; Data cab...
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Bodices; Brassieres; Children's and infant's apparel, namely, jumpers, overall sleepwear, paj...
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Button hooks; Cookie cutters; Fondant cutters; Gumpaste cutters; Pastry cutters; Sandwich cut...
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Drumsticks; Guitar parts, namely, capo; Guitars; Keyboard instruments; Music synthesizers; Mu...
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Agate and sardonyx; Bracelets; Charms; Costume jewelry; Diamonds; Earrings; Jade; Jewellery; ...
DEAD (Circa: 2016)


Goods and Services: Lipstick; Lipstick cases; Lipsticks; Eyebrow pencils; Adhesives for affixing false eyelashes;...
DEAD (Circa: 2015)