
Apply for trademark and get logo design service for free!

If you are looking for answers to, "Where to register my trademark online?", you have come to the right place! With us, the registration of a trademark is as easy as one, two, three!

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Get your logo design for free

Professional Logo Design Service

$99 Free!

Rated 4.8/5 by 1000+ users

Shopper approved
Inc 500

Inc500 Company for 4 consecutive years


No 1 Trademark filing service in the USA

Helped 200,000+ customers achieve their dreams

Take advantage of free logo designs from world class designers

For a limited time only, we're offering a free logo design service worth $99 with your trademark application as an inclusive intellectual property package

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Free video consultation with an attorney and a professional designer

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Unlimited iterations to your logo design

Why work with us?

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We help you avoid the tedious trademark electronic application system.

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Working with us minimizes rejections from the patent and trademark office.

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We provide personalized video advisements for each of our prospective trademark owners

Helped 200,000+ customers achieve their dreams


Trademarks Registered


Happy Clients




Years in Industry

Select US Trademark filing plan





Watch service included

Get free infringement alerts on your mark.

$99/quarter (Free for 1 month)

NOTE: Subscription required for atleast 2 billing cycles

Logo Design service

worth $99 for free (Limited time offer)



Watch service not included




Watch service included

Get free infringement alerts on your mark.

$99/quarter (Free for 1 month)

Comprehensive search included with common law search, and advisement on risks on a global basis from a U.S. licensed attorney.

Included in all plans

U.S. Licensed Attorney creates customized pre-filing advisement letter for you.

Personalized video advisement from U.S. licensed trademark attorney.

Google Meet / Zoom video consultation with U.S. licensed attorney.

Free Cease & Desist letter template.

Dedicated and assigned client relations attorney to each client.

U.S. Law firm assigned to you for opposition, litigation & watch legal advice. Free docketing of all international deadlines.

Assistance with International trademarks. Global infringement and business risk assessment in 100 + countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my trademark registration take?

The trademark registration process can take up to a year and a half. This is why it’s so important to employ the services of a professional IP attorney to ensure that there are no delays, complications, or rejections.

How will I communicate with my attorney?

You will get a free video consultation with your attorney where you’ll be able to discuss the particulars of your trademark application and ensure successful registration.

Do you have your own logo designers?

Yes, we have our own in-house professional and qualified logo design team

Can I make changes to my logo design after it's been made?

We offer unlimited iterations of your logo design. You’ll also get a video consultation with your designer to discuss how you’d like your logo made

See what our customers think about us

With it was fast, I was served with cordiality and a lot of professionalism, they know how to do everything.

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shopper approved

Thank you so much for your help with this trademark approval. Jason has been an amazing advocate for our Brand and am confident he will resolve our conflicting trademark positively for us. Thanks so much to Jason & Trademarkia.

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Susan H.

shopper approved

My experience so far has been great. Raj is my Lawyer and so far everything is going as planned. I am in the beginning stages but when complete will follow up.

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Rachel D.

shopper approved

Alexis is amazing! I couldn't be happier with the guidance and support that she has provided me through this process and I definitely couldn't have done it without her. Thank you and Alexis so much.

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Karen S

shopper approved

Working with Trademarkia, our wonderful attorney, Alexis Campbell and having Tiffeena Kahn expedite this payment process has been a pleasure.

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Renee P.

shopper approved

Trademarkia makes this trademark process easy and efficient. Michael Markos is so helpful

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Joseph M

shopper approved

Great Customer Service From Attorney Alexis Campbell!..She Is Outstanding!..Many Thanks!..

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Juan Pineda Sanchez

shopper approved

Site was incredibly easy to use; I thought this process to apply for a trademark was complicated and involved a lot of information was not.

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Fiona E.

shopper approved

Excellent service! I’ve used trademarkia three times now and they’ve always been great. Very responsive customer service & pleasant to deal with. Straightforward process.

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Remmy Warren

shopper approved

Attorneys with you on every step

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Apply for trademark and get logo design service for free!

Thousands have protected their brand by filing a trademark. What are you waiting for?

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