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Frequently Asked Questions

We include questions that we often hear. Need help, find your answers here

Trademark Basics

What is the “intent to use” registration in the trademark process?

Click to view: What is the “intent to use” registration in the trademark process?

What are the risks of using a mark that infringes on someone else's trademark?

Click to view: What are the risks of using a mark that infringes on someone else's trademark?

What is a wordmark and how is it used in a company's branding?

Click to view: What is a wordmark and how is it used in a company's branding?

What are the benefits of officially registering your trademark, even in countries that follow common law rules?

Click to view: What are the benefits of officially registering your trademark, even in countries that follow common law rules?

How Does a Trademark Work?

Click to view: How Does a Trademark Work?

Do I need a trademark for my small business?

Click to view: Do I need a trademark for my small business?

What are the requirements for a trademark?

Click to view: What are the requirements for a trademark?

Can you trademark a DBA name and how can it be protected?

Click to view: Can you trademark a DBA name and how can it be protected?

What Is the Difference Between a Trademark and a Service Mark?

Click to view: What Is the Difference Between a Trademark and a Service Mark?

How long does a trademark last?

Click to view: How long does a trademark last?

What steps should be taken before adding TM to the end of your mark?

Click to view: What steps should be taken before adding TM to the end of your mark?

What is the process of trademark registration?

Click to view: What is the process of trademark registration?

What should you avoid when creating a trademark?

Click to view: What should you avoid when creating a trademark?

What are the limitations of trademark protection?

Click to view: What are the limitations of trademark protection?

What is the burden of proof in a trademark case?

Click to view: What is the burden of proof in a trademark case?

How do I trademark a logo?

Click to view: How do I trademark a logo?

What is an example of a trademark?

Click to view: What is an example of a trademark?

What steps should you take if someone is infringing on your protected material?

Click to view: What steps should you take if someone is infringing on your protected material?

How long does a trademark last?

Click to view: How long does a trademark last?

What Does A Trademark Do?

Click to view: What Does A Trademark Do?

What’s the point of trademarking a name?

Click to view: What’s the point of trademarking a name?

What rights does a trademark owner have?

Click to view: What rights does a trademark owner have?

What can I trademark?

Click to view: What can I trademark?

How much does a trademark cost?

Click to view: How much does a trademark cost?
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