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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for forming an LLC in Oregon?

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Oregon involves several steps. Firstly, you need to conduct an Oregon LLC search to ensure the name you want for your LLC is unique and available. This can be done by visiting the Oregon Business Registry website and using the Business Name Availability Check option. It's important to note that the Secretary of State has the final say on LLC name approval, so even if your desired name appears available, it may still be rejected. When choosing a name for your LLC, avoid using punctuation marks and designators. If your chosen name is too similar to an existing business, your application may be rejected. However, if your application is rejected, you will be given a 45-day period to create a new LLC name and resubmit your application. To secure your LLC name, you can reserve it for a 120-day period by filing an application for name reservation, which comes with a non-refundable fee of $100. This can be done either by mail or online.

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