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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the components included in roofing assemblies?

Roofing assemblies are integral components of a building's structure, playing a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and durability of the roof. These assemblies are often included in a Preventive Roof Maintenance (PRM) program, which offers a more comprehensive approach to roof maintenance than traditional roofing system warranties. The components of roofing assemblies can vary, but typically include elements such as pitch pans, drain strainers, repairs to membrane flashings, and securing loose accessory metals. These components are essential for the proper functioning of the roof and are often the focus of routine maintenance measures. Damage to these assemblies can occur due to various factors, including environmental elements like wind or lightning, or human error from crew members or maintenance personnel. A seasoned roof auditor, as part of the PRM program, conducts a thorough visual audit and survey of the roof's condition, noting any necessary maintenance measures for these assembly components. Following the audit, a maintenance member is dispatched to the location to commence maintenance duties on the roofing assembly. This proactive approach to roof maintenance can help identify major issues before significant damage occurs, potentially extending the roof's lifespan by up to 50 percent.

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