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Frequently Asked Questions

How is a bill of exceptions used as evidence?

A bill of exceptions serves as a crucial piece of evidence in legal proceedings, particularly in civil cases. It’s a document that is used to highlight any errors or discrepancies in the application of the law during a trial. The bill is signed and filed by the judge with the trial court clerk once all parties agree on its contents. This process is guided by the Westminster 2, 13 Ed. I. c. 31, a law that is universally followed across all states in the Union. The bill of exceptions is created when a party involved in the case alleges an exception and requests the justices to acknowledge it. If the justices refuse, the party can write down the exception and ask the justices to seal it. If the exception is not found in the roll upon review by the king, the justice is summoned to either confirm or deny his seal. If the seal cannot be denied, judgment is made based on the exception.

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