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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain an employer identification number (EIN) for my LLC?

Obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your LLC in Massachusetts is a crucial step in the process of setting up your business. The EIN serves as a Social Security number for your business, and it is used to file state and federal taxes and to open a business checking account. To request an EIN, you need to approach the IRS. The IRS provides this service for free and you can either apply online or submit a request form by mail. It's important to note that you must request your EIN before filing your certificate of organization. Once you have your EIN, you can proceed to file your certificate of organization either online or through the mail. The certificate of organization requires the following information: Federal EIN, LLC name and address, purpose of the business, dissolution date if applicable, duration of the LLC if applicable, registered agent name and address, and names, addresses, and signatures of members and managers. The filing fee for the certificate of organization is $500 payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Your certificate of organization will be processed within three to five business days, although you can receive expedited service for a 4.5 percent additional fee.

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