Frequently Asked Questions
How can I check if my chosen LLC name infringes on another business's name?
To ensure that your chosen LLC name does not infringe on another business's name, it is crucial to conduct a thorough search of your state's business entity database. This search will flag any names that are similar to the one you intend to use. If your desired LLC name is available, it's important to note that until you file your Articles of Organization and they are accepted, another entity can choose the same name unless you file to reserve the name with the state. Most states allow name reservation for a specific period, often between 60 and 120 days, to give you time to form your LLC. If you plan to expand your LLC to other states, consider reserving your name in those states as well. However, be aware that certain differences between your name and another company's name are not considered significant enough to distinguish the two. These include the designator ending (LLC, Corp, Inc, etc.), the use of an article (a, an, the), the use of a conjunction word or symbol (and, or, &), and the use of punctuation (hyphens, slashes, dashes).
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