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Frequently Asked Questions

I don't understand what this means!

This means that that the trademark application you filed with the federal government (the United States Trademark Office, specifically)has gone abandoned because of a failure to submit a document, fee, or response to questions. This may have been intentional, or accidental. How do we know this? The federal trademark record for your trademark indicates its current status is abandoned. You can view official documents with the USPTO by clicking the link "View Documents" on the right hand column of a trademark details page indicated in the email we sent you. Don't worry however!You should consider re-filing it with an attorney with whom you have a prior relationship. As long as nobody filed it in the interim, you may still be able to get your trademark re-registered. You can also request a re-filing through an attorney in the Trademarkia network for $99 + filing fee ($275 per class).

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