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Are you starting a new business? Try our #1 trademark filing today.

Trademark Registration Service

$99$49+ govt fee
green checkFile your trademark application in less than 5 minutes
green checkGet Personalized video advisement from U.S. licensed trademark attorney.
green checkGet Free 15 minute Google Meet / Zoom video consultation with U.S. licensed trademark attorney.

We will help you maintain your trademark through its entire lifecycle.

Trademark Renewal Service

$149$75+ govt fee

If your trademark has been registered for 5+ years, it may be time to file a renewal. If the trademark is not renewed, your trademark will be removed from the registry.

Trademark Statement of Use

$149$75+ govt fee

Did you file an intent to use mark? Let us help you show the USPTO how you are using your mark.

We help you in searching and monitoring your mark

Comprehensive Trademark Search


Our attorney-led advanced trademark search service will help you accurately search all the similar marks from USPTO database of over 12 million+ trademarks

Trademark Brand Monitoring

$356$178(1 Year Watch)

We will watch your trademark for infringement across multiple classes of goods and services and notify you of possible infringers of your trademark

We help you in searching and monitoring your mark

Try out our patent services

Provisional Patent Service

Obtain temporary protection from USPTO for upto 1 year

$199$99+ govt fee

Design Patent Service

Get your invention’s designs and visual aspects protected

$356$178+ govt fee

Utility Patent Service

Protect new machine, composition of matter, process, or method

$1500$750+ govt fee

Want to talk to our attorneys?

green check30 minute Google Meet video consultation with our licensed attorneys.
green checkOur attorneys have represented a wide variety of businesses - from Amazon sellers, clothing designers, restaurants and professional service providers.
video consult

Look at how we’ve got better

30+ Licensed Attorneys

Get professional support from our 15+ licensed trademark attorneys

14+ Years of experience

Trademarkia has served over 200,000+ clients since 2009

International presence

We now have strong U.S. and international presence, with trademark and portfolio filing ability in 180 + countries

Expert customer support

Our support is available round-the-clock to cater to your needs with 24/7 Availability with no hold time