Government Trademark Fees Set To Increase
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30 December 2020 • 3 min read
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will increase Trademark filing and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board fees in the new year, effective January 2, 2021. To learn more about the fee changes, visit the Summary of FY 2020 Final Trademark Fee Rule page of the USPTO website.
Trademark application filing fees are set to increase from $275 per class to $350 per class. TEAS Standard: $350 per class (Up from $275 per class), TEAS Plus: $250 per class (Up from $225 per class), Processing fee for failing to meet TEAS Plus requirements: $100 per class (Down from $125 per class).
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will increase Trademark filing and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board fees in the new year, effective January 2, 2021. Trademark application filing fees will increase from $275 per class to $350 per class. TEAS Standard fees will also increase from $275 per class to $350 per class. TEAS Plus fees will increase from $225 per class to $250 per class. The processing fee for failing to meet TEAS Plus requirements will decrease from $125 per class to $100 per class. If you have any questions, you can contact an attorney.
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