Overview of Trademark Cease & Desist Letter Plus Package*

Trademarkia P.C. is one of the largest trademark filers in the world. Cease & desist letters must be carefully crafted to ensure that your rights are properly stated.

Plus Package of Cease & Desist Letter $599.00 USD
  • In the Plus Package, you receive everything in the Standard Package plus: (1) A trademark search to determine strength of your rights; (2) A hard copy of the Cease & Desist Letter is mailed to you.
1. Fill out your information online

Easy online form. All information provided will be kept in absolute confidentiality.

2. Trademarkia P.C. ensures the proper preparation of your cease & desist letter.

Trademark search to determine the strength of your rights.

3. Trademarkia P.C. does the rest

Top Global IP Attorneys - satisfied customers, credibility, and experience! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

What is a trademark cease & desist letter?

A cease & desist letter is an order or request to halt an activity, or else face legal action. The recipient of the cease & desist letter may be an individual or an organization. A cease & desist letter informs a third party of your trademark rights without immediately seeking a lawsuit.

Cease & desist letters must be carefully crafted to ensure that your rights are properly stated. Any deficiencies in an improperly written cease & desist letter may be used by the other party against you.